

I have over 30 years experience with individuals, groups, students and teams, working creatively with and for the rest of nature, promoting: eco-practice in art psychotherapy, counselling, supervision and education. This promotes a more reciprocal caring relationship with and for the rest of nature. When relevant, I integrate ecotherapy into my art psychotherapy or counselling/psychotherapy practice. I also offer eco-supervision - nature-based approaches within supervision; and eco personal development and learning.

This has included outdoor experiential learning and workshops, outdoor team building etc, including in international settings. Formats have included: half days, days, residential weekends, short courses. 

Evidence for Nature and Wellbeing 

Visit the online ASLA resource detailing many research studies on the  Health benefits of nature

Other resources include: A review of nature-based interventions for mental health care (Natural England, 2016) - a recent report on research by the University of Essex and Mind (a leading UK mental health charity).

See also e.g. The mental health benefits of nature exposure (2015);  Connecting with nature offers a new approach to mental health care  (2016)  and the Children and Nature Network.


A core strand of my practice is eco-practice - promoting eco-creativity and reciprocal caring relationship with the rest of nature, also working with and for nature.

When appropriate, I integrate ecotherapy into my art psychotherapy or counselling/psychotherapy practice. When ecotherapy is synthesised with creative practice, I have also termed this as eARTh-based practice or "eARTherapy"  (Sibbett, 1992, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2016, etc.) as a nature-based approach that informs my practise of Art Psychotherapy, art therapy supervision and training - celebrating and fostering eco-creativity with and for Nature. This aligns with Ecotherapy principles and theories. A key aim is to nurture health, creativity and Nature; underpinned by and committed to 'earth caring' values. It features:

Ecotherapy is a nature-based therapeutic approach that is informed by ecopsychology. It can support wellbeing and help create better relationships with nature, ourselves and each other. For more details, see MIND's summary: What is Ecotherapy?; and also see our Resources page for other sources of information.

"Earth's the right place for love" (Robert Frost, Birches)

Labyrinth Tree watercolour 010117
Tree pathway
   Photograph (c)CS


Committed to eARTh-caring values, Green Care and eco-creativity.

 Promoting Green Care and eco-creativity in the curriculum and practice.

Green Man
Photograph (c)CS

Protogonos, Bronze (c) CSibbett 

'Therapeutic tetrad'

(CS, 2002, 2006, 2007)
Client, therapist, art, nature


A window of opportunity: fostering creative time & space, with and for nature.
Green Man
 Photograph (c)CS
Green window
Photograph (c)CS

In a 2016 Report on A review of nature-based interventions for mental health care, Bragg and Atkins (2016, p.12) summarise that "nature-based interventions have been termed ‘green care’ (Pretty, 2006; Hine et al., 2008a,c; Sempik et al., 2010; Sempik and Bragg, 2013), ‘ecotherapy’ (Mind 2007, 2013; Bragg et al, 2013) or simply ‘nature-based interventions’." They propose that "the term ‘Green Care’ should be used to describe the range of activities that fall within the scope of nature-based interventions for individuals with a defined or diagnosed need." (Bragg & Atkins, 2016, p.viii).

Townsend, Mardie and Weerasuriya, Rona (2010) The benefits of contact with nature for mental health and well-being. Beyond Blue Ltd: Melbourne, Australia.

Bragg, R. and Atkins, G. (2016) A review of nature-based interventions for mental health care. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number204.

The Green Man

The Green Man

Blue Fire - Green Man 1 (c) CSibbett

Blue Fire - Green Man 2 (c) CSibbett