Selection of Presentations
Selection of recent presentations
A selection of recent presentations is shown below. (copyright C. Sibbett) - Scroll on pdf to view presentations
Sotto, L. & Sibbett, C.H. (2024) Political & psychological effects of political public art in conflict zones - ? -. CRIC Conference, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford.
Sibbett, C.H. (2024) Synchronicity and Art Therapy, Keynote presentation, NIGAT's 31st Art Therapy Summer School, Belfast.
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Sibbett, C.H. (2024) BAAT Northern Ireland: origins - focus – future. Keynote presentation at BAAT NI meeting, 24th February, Belfast.
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Sibbett, C.H. (2023) Create, Connect Celebrate: Art Therapy. Keynote presentation, NIGAT Art Therapy Summer School, 28th July, ArtsCare, Belfast.
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Sibbett, C.H. and McCourt, E. (2023) Trauma Informed Art Therapy. Invited keynote presentation, Probation Board for NI Conference, “Supporting our People to provide a Trauma Informed Service”, 28th March 2023, Culloden Hotel, Belfast.
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Sibbett, C.H. (2023) Healthy Relationships. Keynote presentation, Relate NI conference, 16th March. Belfast.
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Sibbett, C.H. (2022) Regeneration: Art Therapy. Keynote presentation, NIGAT Art Therapy Summer School, August, Belfast: University.
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Sibbett, C.H. (2019) Art Psychotherapy with Troubles related trauma - in prisons & wider settings - Pluralistic and trauma-informed practice. 21st Oct 2019. Invited presentation, Annual Conference, Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University.
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Sibbett, C.H., Sims, C. and McConkey, J. (2018) “Sorry for your Troubles”: Trans-generational trauma and attachment informed and mentalization based art therapy in Northern Ireland. 11/09/18. Keynote presentation at BAAT Attachment and the Arts annual conference. London.
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Sibbett, C.H. (2017) Whole School Audit Tool. Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminar. Queen’s University Belfast.
Proposed audit tool designed by Dr Sibbett, based on findings from the following research:
Connolly, P., Sibbett, C, Hanratty, J., Kerr, K., O’Hare, L. and Winter, K. (2011) Pupils’ Emotional Health and Wellbeing: A Review of Audit Tools and a Survey of Practice in Northern Ireland Post-Primary Schools. Belfast: Centre for Effective Education, Queen’s University Belfast.'_Emotional_Health_and_Wellbeing_1_Pupils'_Emotional_Health_and_Wellbeing_A_Review_of_Audit_Tools_and_a_Survey_of_Practice_in_Northern_Ireland_Post-Primary_Schools
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