I have extensive experience in presenting locally, nationally and internationally.
A selection of academic work is available at:
A selection of slides from recent presentations is shown here (copyright). - scroll on pdf to view presentations.
Conference Papers / Presentations (including keynote) include:
Forthcoming: Sibbett, C.H. (2024) Healthy Relationships: 'Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking'. Seminar/workshop. Relate NI conference, November. Belfast.
Sibbett, C. and Sotto, L. C.H. (2024) Political and psychological effects of political public art in conflict zones. September. Presentation, Annual Conference, Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University.
Sotto, L., Sibbett, C. and Holmes, F. (2024) Synchronicity, creativity and the search for the Self. Presentation & experiential, NIGAT 31stAnnual Art Therapy Summer School, 3rd August, Belfast.
Sibbett, C.H. (2024) Synchronicity and Art Therapy. Keynote presentation, NIGAT 31st Annual Art Therapy Summer School, 2nd August, Belfast.
Sibbett, C.H. (2024) BAAT Northern Ireland: origins - focus – future. Keynote presentation at BAAT / BAAT NI meeting, 24th February, Belfast.
Sibbett, C.H. (2023) Create, Connect Celebrate: Art Therapy. Keynote presentation, NIGAT Annual Art Therapy Summer School, 28th July, Belfast.
McCourt, E., Ni Argain, D., Plant, L., Sibbett, C., Stewart, D., O’Hagan, J., Cahn, S., Keane, M. (2023) Border Crossings. Workshop at Frontiers—Creative Arts Therapies and Arts Therapies Conference: Contemporary Practice, Research and Continuing Professional Development.
Sibbett, C.H. and McCourt, E. (2023) Trauma Informed Art Therapy. Invited keynote presentation, Probation Board for NI Conference, “Supporting our People to provide a Trauma Informed Service”, 28th March 2023, Culloden Hotel, Belfast.
Sibbett, C.H. (2023) Healthy Relationships. Keynote presentation, Relate NI conference, 16th March. Belfast.
Sibbett, C.H. (2022) Regeneration: Art Therapy. Keynote presentation, NIGAT Annual Art Therapy Summer School, August.
Sibbett, C.H. (2019) Art Psychotherapy and Troubles related trauma - in prisons & wider settings - Pluralistic and trauma-informed practice. 21st Oct 2019. Invited presentation, Annual Conference, Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University.
Sibbett, C.H. (2019 invited) Jungian Art Therapy: 3 workshops at MA Art Therapy, Cork 2018 - 3 Day Event. January.
Sibbett, C.H., Sims, C. and McConkey, J. (2018) “Sorry for your Troubles”: Trans-generational trauma and attachment informed and mentalization based Art Psychotherapy. 11/09/18. Keynote presentation at BAAT Attachment and the Arts annual conference. London.
Sibbett, C.H. (2018) Reframing Art Therapy: or, to look at it another way… Pluralistic practice. NIGAT Annual Art Therapy Summer School, August, Belfast School of Art.
Sibbett, C.H. (2018) Ecological Art Therapy: an eARTherapy approach. Keynote presentation at MA Art Therapy 2018 - 3 Day Event: ‘Ecology in Art Therapy’. January.
Sibbett, C.H. (2018) Ecological Art Therapy: an eARTherapy approach. 3 workshops at MA Art Therapy 2018 - 3 Day Event: ‘Ecology in Art Therapy’. January.
Sibbett, C.H. (2017) Whole School Audit Tool. Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminar. Queen’s University Belfast. Research output from: Connolly, P., Sibbett, C., Hanratty, J., Kerr, K., O’Hare, L. & Winter, K. (2011) Pupils’ Emotional Health and Wellbeing: A Review of Audit Tools and a Survey of Practice in Northern Ireland Post-Primary Schools. Research Report. Belfast: Centre for Effective Education, Queen’s University Belfast.
Sibbett, C.H. (2017) eARTherapy: Art Therapy and Ecotherapy. Presentation at NIGAT 25th Art Therapy Summer School, August, Corrymeela, Ballycastle.
Sibbett, C.H. (2016) eARTherapy: Art Therapy and Ecotherapy. Workshop at Faculty of Rehabilitation Anniversary Conference, Riga Stradins University, Latvia. November.
Sibbett, C.H. (2016) Developments in Art Therapy in Northern Ireland. Keynote presentation and workshop at Faculty of Rehabilitation Anniversary Conference, Riga Stradins University, Latvia. November.
Sibbett, C.H. (2016) Invited to present History and Development of Art Therapy in NI at MA Art Therapy event, Cork.
Sibbett, C.H. (2014) Creative Opportunities. Keynote presentation at Faculty of Rehabilitation Anniversary Conference, Riga Stradins University, Latvia.
Sibbett, C.H., Twomey, E. and Thompson, W. (2014) Clinical Approaches of Art Therapy in NI. MA Art Therapy event, Cork, 20-22 Jan.
Sibbett, C.H., Twomey, E. and Thompson, W. (2014) History and Development of Art Therapy in NI. MA Art Therapy event, Cork, 20-22 Jan.
Sibbett, C.H. and Stewart, D. (2012) Healthy Systems: Self-care & trauma work - caring for ourselves and others. BACP Making Connections event, Belfast, 15 June 2012.
Sibbett, C.H. (2011) What’s love got to do with it? CCYP Conference 'In and out of the counselling room: Meeting the challenges', Belfast, March 2011.
Sibbett, C.H. (2010) What’s love got to do with it? CCYP Conference 'In and out of the counselling room: Meeting the challenges', Solihull, 20 November 2010.
Sibbett, C.H. (2010) Invited presenter on Art Psychotherapy Training in NI. NIGAT Art Therapy Summer School, Belfast, August.
Sibbett, C.H. (2010) Healing Spaces. Invited workshop leader at the International Latvian Art Therapy Association Summer School, Latvia, August 2010.
Sibbett, C.H. (2010) Mirrors and Reflections: Reflective Practice. Invited workshop leader at the International Latvian Art Therapy Association Summer School, Latvia, August 2010.
Sibbett, C.H. (2009) Invited keynote speaker at the 7th International Latvian Art Therapy Association Conference, Latvia, July 2009.
Sibbett, C.H. (2009) Invited keynote speaker at the International Latvian Art Therapy Association Summer School, Latvia, July 2009.
Sibbett, C.H. (2009) Art Therapy and palliative care. Invited keynote speaker at the international conference Rehabilitation in Palliative Care Challenging Mindsets: Pioneering Practice, 4th - 6th February, University of Ulster.
Sibbett, C.H. (2008) Invited keynote speaker at the 6th International Latvian Art Therapy Association Conference, Latvia, July 2008.
Sibbett, C.H. (2008) Invited keynote speaker at the International Latvian Art Therapy Association Summer School, Latvia, July 2008.
Sibbett, C.H. (2008) Art Psychotherapy. Invited poster presentation at: “The Psychoanalytic Therapy of Severe Disturbance”, International conference, Royal College of Psychiatrists / Centre for Psychotherapy, Belfast. June.
Sibbett, C.H. and Thompson, W.T. (2008) ‘Nettlesome knowledge’ and threshold concepts in professional, organisational and higher educational cultures. Presentation at Threshold Concepts Symposium - from theory to practice, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 2008. Organised by Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario.
Sibbett, C.H. (2007) Art Therapy – Communicating with Service Users in Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Invited presentation at Royal College of Psychiatrists Rehabilitation and Social Faculty Conference “Rehabilitation and recovery: the personal and the political”, Nov 15-16th 2007, Malahide/Dublin.
Sibbett, C.H. and Thompson, W.T. (2007) Difficult knowledge in organisations. Invited keynote presentation at the AGM of The Psychological Society of Ireland, Division of Work & Organisational Psychology, Dublin.
Thompson, WT and Sibbett, CH (2007) CPD Needs of Heads of Year. Presentation / workshop at SCoTENS Conference, Malahide.
Sibbett, C.H. (2007) Mirrors and Windows: Wondering about Art Therapy. Invited keynote presentation at 15th Art Therapy Summer School, Northern Ireland, 30th July -3rd August 2007.
Sibbett, C.H. (2007) Creative Containment: Therapeutic Paradoxes and Power Dynamics in Art Therapy in Prisons in Northern Ireland. Invited presentation at the second UK Arts-Based Educational Research conference, Graduate School of Education, Bristol University. 5th–7th July 2007.
Sibbett, C.H. (2007) Paper and poster accepted for the 8th Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, Banff, Canada. September 21-24, 2007. (unable to attend).
Sibbett, C.H. (2007) At the threshold: liminality, life-threatening illness and Art Psychotherapy. Paper accepted for the International Transitions Research Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, April 2007.
Sibbett, C.H. (2006) Art Therapy in Cancer Care Today: Approaches and experiences. Panel presentation invited and accepted: Creative Transformation, XVIII SIPE International Congress, 6th–9th September 2006, Belfast. Organised by the School of Education QUB, and NIGAT.
Sibbett, C.H. (2006) ‘Nettlesome’ knowledge, liminality and the taboo in cancer and art therapy experiences. Paper accepted for presentation at 6th Qualitative Research Conference in Health and Social Care 2006, 4-6th September 2006, Bournemouth University.
Sibbett, C.H. (2006) ‘Nettlesome’ knowledge, liminality and the taboo in cancer and art therapy experiences. Presentation at Symposium on Threshold Concepts within the Disciplines, Glasgow, Scotland 30th Aug–1st Sept 2006. Organised by University of Strathclyde, Durham University and Staffordshire University.
Sibbett, C.H. (2006) Circling the Self. Invited experiential four day session at the 4th International Latvian Art Therapy Association Conference, Latvia, July 2006.
Sibbett, C.H. (2006) Art Therapy Research: inclusive methodologies. Invited keynote speaker at the 4th International Latvian Art Therapy Association Conference, Latvia, July 2006.
Sibbett, C.H. (2006) ‘Nettlesome’ knowledge, liminality and the taboo in cancer and art therapy experiences. Paper accepted for the 2nd Annual Research Conference School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast. March/April 2006.
Sibbett, C.H. (2005) “Living with the Tiger”: Liminality, Cancer and Art Therapy. Presentation at the first UK Arts-Based Educational Research conference, Graduate School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast. 06/2005.
Sibbett, C.H. (2005) Betwixt and Between. Invited keynote presentation at the 5th Exeter Arts and Therapies Conference (EATc) “The Spaces Between”, Crossmead Conference Centre, Exeter. March 2005.
Sibbett, C. H. (2004) Introductions to Art Therapy - working with sexual abuse. Invited speaker, National Counselling Service Conference, Galway, 04/10/04.
Sibbett, C.H. (2004) Living and Practising at the Threshold: Art Therapy in Cancer Care. Invited speaker (illustrated paper) at the Narrative Research in Health and Illness conference, London, 9th - 10th September 2004. British Medical Association /British Medical Journal Conference Unit.
Sibbett, C.H. (2004) Living and Practising at the Threshold: Art Therapy in Cancer Care. Invited speaker (illustrated paper) at the 2nd International Latvian Art Therapy Association Conference, Riga, Latvia, 8th - 10th July 2004.
Sibbett, C.H. (2004) Liminality: Living and Practising at the Threshold. Paper presented at 3rd Global Conference “Making Sense of: Health, Illness & Disease”, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, 07/2004.
Sibbett, C.H. & Thompson, W. (2004) Listening to voices from the Shadows: an exploration of the use of a humanistic and narrative-informed approach to research sensitive issues. Research-based workshop accepted for 10th Annual BACP Research Conference, London, 21-22/05/04. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
Sibbett, C.H. (2004) Art Therapy. Invited speaker at 2 day Conference ‘Mapping the Landscape: Arts Therapies & the Arts in Palliative Care’, Royal Marsden Conference Centre, London, 22-23/01/04.
Sibbett, C.H. (2003) Art Therapy in Cancer Care: Transitional and Bodily Experiences. Paper presented at XVII International Congress of Psychopathology of Expression and Art Therapy. Société Internationale de Psychopathologie et de l’Expression et d’Art-Thérapie / International Society for the Psychopathology of Expression and Art-Therapy (SIPE), Athens, 11-14/10/03.
Sibbett, C.H. (2003) Transitional Experience: An interplay between art therapist and cancer patient. Paper presented at 9th Annual BACP Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Conference, autoethnography theme. Leicester, 16-17/05/03.
Sibbett, C.H. (2003) Art Therapy in Cancer care: The Embodied Image. Invited Presenter: paper (illustrated) presented at Conference on Body Image Problems in Patients with Head and Neck Tumours. St Christopher’s Hospice, London, 13th June, 2003.
Sibbett, C.H. (2002) Creative Containment. Invited Presenter: paper (illustrated) presented at The Champernowne Trust for Psychotherapy & the Arts' 31st Annual Summer Course (Personal and Professional Applications of Analytical Psychology in Clinical, Educational and Social contexts). 20th-26th July 2002, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park. Course theme: “Negotiating Power”.
Sibbett, C.H. (2002) Art Therapy at the Threshold. Invited Keynote Speaker. Illustrated paper to be presented as keynote address at the 10th Annual International Conference on Counselling, “Images of Counselling”, University of Durham. Centre for Studies in Counselling & Psychotherapy, CeSCoP. [This conference was cancelled due to staffing changes in Durham University.]
Sibbett, C.H. (2001) Playing on the Shores of Time… Workshop at Ninth Art Therapy Summer School, Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy. 30/07-03/08/2001. Belfast: NIGAT / University of Ulster.
Gibson, D.R. & Sibbett, C. (2000) Professional Development for Hospital Teachers? Paper at the Annual Scientific Meeting, September 2000, of the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) in Cardiff. N.I. Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education.
Sibbett, C.H. (1999) Circling the Self: Creating a New Alchemy of Sense and Soul. Workshop at Seventh Art Therapy Summer School, Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy. 16th – 20th Aug. 1999. Belfast: NIGAT / University of Ulster.
Sibbett, C.H. (1998) The Shimmering Symbol and the Search for the Self. Workshop at Sixth Art Therapy Summer School, Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy. Aug. 1998. Belfast: NIGAT / University of Ulster.
Sibbett, C.H. (1997) Creative Connections in Verbal and Non-Verbal Therapeutic Approaches. Presentation at Fifth Art Therapy Summer School, Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy. 19th Aug. 1997. Belfast: NIGAT / University of Ulster.
Selection of recent presentations
A selection of recent presentations is shown here. (copyright) - Scroll on pdf to view presentations